Where to Buy Turkey Poults

Online Hatcheries for Turkey Poults

You can get turkey poults at your local feed store or through your local poultry association. But you might want to order them online through a hatchery. I've compiled this list of hatcheries that offer online ordering. Most of them offer other types of poultry including baby chicks.

These are listed in alphabetical order. Pay attention to minimum orders (which refer to chicks only - these vary depending on the breed, so check the website for info on other minimums).

Cackle Hatchery

Flock of turkeys on farm
Laurie and Charles / Getty Images

Cackle Hatchery is located in Missouri and offers more than 400 varieties of poultry, including egg layers, meat birds, bantams, turkeys, ducks, geese, game fowl, rare breeds, Standard Old English, guineas, pea fowl, and more. For turkey breeds, they offer Black Spanish, Blue Slate, Bourbon Red, Broad-Breasted Bronze, Narragansett, Royal Palm and Broad-Breasted Whites.

Ideal Poultry

Turkey chicks
Shol / Getty Images

Ideal Poultry is located in Texas. They have a minimum order of $30 in poultry. Besides turkeys, they offer bantams, standard laying poultry, ducks, geese, guineas, pheasants and chukar, and meat birds. They offer Bourbon Red, Chocolate, Midget White, Narragansett, Royal Palm, Standard Bronze, and White Holland Turkeys.

Meyer Hatchery

Wild Turkey
Danita Delimont / Getty Images

Meyer Hatchery, located in Ohio, offers a wide variety of poultry as well as hatching eggs, pullets, supplies, books, coops and other equipment for raising poultry. They offer Black Spanish, Bourbon Red, Blue Slate, Broad-Breasted Bronze and White, Chocolate, White Holland, Royal Palm, and Narragansett Turkeys.

Murray McMurray Hatchery

Caged chicken
Edwin Remsberg / Getty Images

Murray McMurray has a wide selection of many types of poultry, supplies, and equipment. Like Meyer, they are one of the larger US hatcheries. They are located in Iowa. They offer Black Spanish, Bourbon Red, Blue Slate, Broad-Breasted Bronze, Standard Bronze, Chocolate, Midget White, Giant White, Narragansett, Royal Palm, Rio Grande, and White Holland Turkeys.

Privett Hatchery

Goslings. Arpad Radoczy / EyeEm / Getty Images

Privett Hatchery is located in New Mexico. I have ordered from Privett and was very happy with my Privett chicks; they were very hardy. Privett offers turkey poults as well as a wide variety of chicks, bantams, ducklings, goslings, and Guinea keets. They offer Black, Bourbon Red, Broad-Breasted Bronze and White, Blue Slate, Chocolate, Midget White, Narragansett, Royal Palm, Standard Bronze, and White Holland Turkeys.

Welp Hatchery

Baby chicks
johnnyscriv / Getty Images

Located in Iowa, Welp Hatchery sells egg layers, meat birds, rare breeds, bantams, turkeys, ducks, goslings, pheasants, guineas, and chukar partridges. They sell supplies and books too. They offer Black Spanish, Bourbon Red, Broad-Breasted Bronze and White, Chocolate, Midget White, Narragansett, Royal Palm, Standard Bronze, and White Holland Turkeys.